Monday, 18 May 2020

Important Electronic Components and It's Function

Names Of Important Electronic Components

Electronic Components

If you are a student of electronics engineering or want to get information related to electronic engineering and make new electronic circuits, then it is very important for you to first know the basic component and equipment of electronic. Because without the knowledge of the basic component or without the value writing and function of those components, you will not be able to make any kind of circuit.

A lot of components are required to make an electronic circuit and it depends on the type of component that will be installed in it. Such as register capacitor led transistor diode etc. And there are also some equipment such as power supply signal generator multi-meter etc. So get information about all these, only then you will be able to make electronic circuits. So in today's post, you will be given complete information about basic electronic components and equipment of electronic.

Names Of Important Electronic Components

Electronic components are divided into a few categories. Active electronic components, passive electronic components and Electromechanical components but here we will tell you all the components separately one by one so that you can know about each component and know more about it.


Integrated Circuts - IC

An integrated circuit is a single device or chip made of semiconductor material. And mostly silicon is used for this. This integrated circuit is used in almost all electronic devices such as tv radio mobile phone laptop router modem etc. Integrated circuits are also divided into two categories: analog integrated circuit and digital integrated circuit. More information about this is given in another of our posts, whose link is given below.

 What Is Integrated Circuit Ic


In modern terminology, a Microcontroller is a small computer that is made from an integrated circuit. In the microcontroller, we get to see ram, cpu, input / output etc. It is a programmable component that can be used in many electronic devices such as a small computer.



Resistor is an electrical component . And in electronic circuits, resistors are used to prevent or reduce current flow. There are many types of registers, depending on their working, they are placed in different categories. There are mainly 2 types of this: - fixed resistor, variable resistor. More information about this is given in our another post, whose link is given below.

What Are The Types Of Resistors?


The diode is a non-linear semiconductor device as it allows current to move in only one direction. The diode has two terminals called anode and cathode. Below you are given its electric symbol.


A common PN diodes is used in circuits that convert ac supply to dc. And you must have heard about led light emitting diode. Which is a semiconductor device and leaves the light on after activating.

 Zener diode and zener diode are like a simple diode but it acts as a voltage stabilizer and there are some other types of diodes which you will see in another of our posts which is below the link.

 What is diode how does it work 



Capacitor is an electronic component that is used in almost all circuits such as every radio television etc. Electric charge is stored in capacitors. Capacitors are two conductors normally made of two plates. And between these two plates, a dye electric material is placed, which separates it. When the capacitor is combined with a power source, it stores the electric charge. And both the plates inside it serve to store this charge, one of which has positive charge on the plate and negative charge on the other. More information about this is given in another of our posts, whose link is given below. .

 Amount of electric charge charged inside a capacitor at a voltage of 1 volt is called capacitance. The unit to measure capacitance is farad (f). Its capacitance can also be increased by increasing the number of plates inside the capacitor.

What is capacitor type of capacitor



For example, the capacitor stores the electric field as energy. In the same way inductors store magnetic field as energy. An inductor is a wire made in the form of a coil. It is used in ac equipment such as filters, chokes, tuned circuits etc.


We use the switch to start and stop any circuit or say on or off. There are many types of switches, depending on their function, wants to be placed in these different categories. Some switches are analog and some switches are digital. You usually see a simple switch in homes.


Dc power supply is a very important part of electronic circuits. Most electronics components and circuits are powered by dc power supplies, so dc power supplies have a lot of importance. There are many electronic appliances that provide dc supply such as ac - to - dc power supplies, linear regulators, switching mode power supply etc.

Dc power supply 5v to 12v is used in electronic circuits. Because almost all components work above this range.

What is Electrical Wiring and type of Electrical Wiring fitting


A battery is a device that converts chemical energy into electrical energy and the battery is used in mobile phone, laptop watch etc. Apart from this, it is also used in many other testing equipment. You have often seen in watches that inside it we use a cell which supplies 1.5v and this is the cell that we use in the tv remote. Where we put two cells and supply 3v to our tv remote.


Batteries are divided into different ranges depending on their voltage. As you can see in the photo above, here we have shown three types of batteries, one of which is 9 volts, one is 1.5 volts and one is 12 volts. Is. They are used on the basis of their voltage.

Display devices

Talking about electronic equipment, display is used in many devices and mainly two types of display are used in electronic equipment.

16 x 2 LCD

You will find this display in a device like calculator. It is an alpha - numeric display which consists of two rows and 16 columns and can show maximum 32 characters on this display. 

7 – Segment Display

You will also see this display in many electronic devices such as clock, information systems etc. This display is used where we need a number. Or alphabet is required.


Voltmeter, ammeter and ohmmeter were first used to measure voltage current and resistance, but later it was renamed as multimeter and inside it you can easily measure voltage current resistance. But nowadays more advanced multimeters have come in, inside which you can also check the transistor.

Multimeter can measure both ac and dc supplies and today multimeters are of two types digital and analog but in today's time digital multimeter is used very much because it can measure any component very well.


What Is Wire Color Code In Electrical Fittings ?

Apart from this, there are many other electronic components, but the components that are most important and most used, we have told you here. Here you are told about resistor, capacitor, microcontroller, inductor, transformer, battery, fuse, diode / led (light emitting diode), transistors, integrated circuit, relays, switches, motors, circuit breakers if you have any other and if you want to know about the component then comment below and ask.



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